Our Teams.

For 12 weeks students will be working with our worldclass network of mentors, lecturers, instructors, and advisors to bring their projects to life. We believe support and mentorship is critical for the longitudinal growth and development each student.


Organizing Team


"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."

– Ryunosuke Satoro


Jaylen Brown

7uice Foundation
MIT Media Lab

David Sun Kong, Ph.D.

MIT Media Lab

Mechalle Brown

7uice Foundation

Crystal Johnson

Bridge Program

Desiree Dudley

MIT Media Lab

Aneesh Batra

Nobles School


& Guest Lecturers


β€œLeadership is accepting responsibility to create conditions that enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty.”

-Marshall Ganz
Harvard Kennedy School


Professor Dava NewmanDirector MIT Media Lab

Professor Dava Newman

MIT Media Lab

Professor Cynthia BreazealPersonal Robots MIT Media Lab

Professor Cynthia Breazeal

Personal Robots
MIT Media Lab

Professor Danielle WoodSpace Enabled MIT Media Lab

Professor Danielle Wood

Space Enabled
MIT Media Lab

Cas SmithGinkgo Bioworks

Cas Smith

Ginkgo Bioworks

David Sun Kong, Ph.D.Community Biotechnology Initiative MIT Media Lab

David Sun Kong, Ph.D.

Community Biotechnology Initiative
MIT Media Lab

Ariel Ekblaw, Ph.D.Space Exploration Initiative MIT Media Lab

Ariel Ekblaw, Ph.D.

Space Exploration Initiative
MIT Media Lab

Neha Narula, Ph.D.Digital Currency Initiative MIT Media Lab

Neha Narula, Ph.D.

Digital Currency Initiative
MIT Media Lab

Kenneth HarrisNASA

Kenneth Harris


Abel Cano

Arc of Change

Daniella DiPaolaPersonal Robots MIT Media Lab

Daniella DiPaola

Personal Robots
MIT Media Lab

Shira FrankDigital Currency Initiative MIT Media Lab

Shira Frank

Digital Currency Initiative
MIT Media Lab

Jaleesa TrappLifelong Kindergarten MIT Media Lab

Jaleesa Trapp

Lifelong Kindergarten
MIT Media Lab

Safinah AliPersonal Robots MIT Media Lab

Safinah Ali

Personal Robots
MIT Media Lab

Omari Hardwick




β€œShow me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a livingβ€”if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.”

-Denzel Washington


Adrian CaesarAnalyst at Optimal Energy, Brown University

Adrian Caesar

Analyst at Optimal Energy, Brown University

Cole Prowitt-SmithWilliams College

Cole Prowitt-Smith

Williams College

Eva MacDonaldCareer Specialist, Boston Private Industry Council, UMass Amherst

Eva MacDonald

Career Specialist, Boston Private Industry Council, UMass Amherst

Guillermo  Herrera-ArcosRobotics, Neuroengineering, Health Tech, MIT Media Lab


Robotics, Neuroengineering, Health Tech, MIT Media Lab

Jenny NguyenWellesley College

Jenny Nguyen

Wellesley College

Lani WillmarUnlock Her Potential, Questbridge Scholars, Williams College

Lani Willmar

Unlock Her Potential, Questbridge Scholars, Williams College

Mani Sai Suryateja  JammalamadakaMIT Civil Engineering

Mani Sai Suryateja Jammalamadaka

MIT Civil Engineering

Rachael EdmondsonSocial Services,  Providence College

Rachael Edmondson

Social Services,
Providence College

Taylor PierceTech Staffing Research & Recruiting, M.Ed. Student, Middlebury College

Taylor Pierce

Tech Staffing Research & Recruiting, M.Ed. Student, Middlebury College

Zion GriffinTech Staffing Research & Recruiting, Brandeis University

Zion Griffin

Tech Staffing Research & Recruiting, Brandeis University


Technical Advisors


β€œDon't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”

-Mae Jemison


Todd Thorsen

Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Jaleesa Trapp

Grad Student, Life Long Kindergarten, Media Lab

Daniella DiPaola

Grad Student, Personal Robots, Media Lab

Sebastian Kamau

Grad Student, Sculpting Evolutin, Media Lab

Angela Vujic

Grad Student, Fluid Interfaces, Media Lab

Andres Rico

Grad Student, City Science, Media Lab

Adam Horowitz

Grad Student, Fluid Interfaces, Media Lab

Dana Gretton

Grad Student, Sculpting Evolution, Media Lab

Wesley Block

Undergraduate, Material Sciences & Engineering, MIT

Diane M. Diehl, Ph.D.

Senior Director, Scientific Operations, Waters Corporation

Kelly Johnson

Director, Immerse Innovation and Research Lab Network, Waters Corporation

Hannah Rolon

QA Supervisor, Waters Corporation

Yasah Pitcher

Support Specialist, Waters Corporation