
The next generation of leaders in STEAM inspiring change and creating an impact in our world.


“Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.”

-Stephen Hawking


Ifrah Abdullah

Adem Ayed

Alexa Berthold

Zanna Berthold

PhuongAn Bui

Darmare Caine

LiYuan Chen

Olivia Chen

Amy Cui

Addy Dean

Parmis Mokhtari-Dizaji

Yassine Eljamali

Angeles Figuerola

Jesse Lee Givens, IV

Jack He

Priscille Hogu

Yong Di Huang

Christian Jean-Louis

Zhuo Rui Jiang

Zhuo Yan Jiang

Ajah Johnson

Markell Jones

Aspen Johnson

Devin Wilson Joutres

Connor Lashley

Matthew Rosales

Jeanette Sandoval

Julian Sustach

Joshua Tackie